Frequently Asked Questions


When is the best time to take a course with This Mother Can?

We recommend anytime from the 20th week of pregnancy onwards works best for getting the most out of class discussion and being in the best frame of mind for practicing your tools in your own time. If you’re taking a group class, you’ll also meet other expectant parents whose babies are due closer to yours, which is great for support. 

I’m newly pregnant – is there anything I can be doing before 20 weeks?

Absolutely! Now is a great time to start developing your positive mindset around birth. Seek out positive birth stories (there are some wonderful accounts of hypnobirths on The Calm Birth School blog, and discussions of a whole range of different birth on the wonderful podcast The Birth Hour ) and politely decline if anyone tries to tell you about their own challenging experiences of birth. All stories are totally valid and deserve to be heard, but not necessarily by women who are currently pregnant!

Now is also the time to start thinking about the kind of birth you want (where do you want to give birth? Do you imagine having pain relief or would you like to try unmanaged?) and whether the provider you’re with is supportive of that. These are some great questions to ask at your next appointment if you’re not sure.

How will my birth partner be involved?

One of the really awesome things about hypnobirthing is the value it places on the role of the birth partner. They will join you for all classes and learn alongside you, so they understand the science of hypnobirthing and can support you in using the tools. Certain techniques – like light tough massage, for example – are brilliant for helping build up and release endorphins (our body’s natural pain-killers), and something very hands-on that partners can support with during pregnancy and labor. You’ll also learn a fantastic tool to help you ask questions and make informed decisions about your care, which really helps partners to advocate appropriately on your behalf during labor.

Partners can also, if you both choose, support by helping you practice your breathing techniques and listening with you to the guided visualizations you’ll receive as part of the course. This is a great opportunity for you both to pause and connect with each other and your baby as you prepare for the momentous journey of parenthood, and many partners really relish this involvement during pregnancy. 

Four sessions sounds like a lot – why such a commitment?

Yes, four sessions – 10 hours – of teaching is a lot. There’s a lot to cover, we like to allow plenty of time for discussion so we can tailor the course to your particular concerns, and we also make time each session for practical, hands-on exercises to build your confidence. Honestly, you’ll be surprised by how quickly each session flies by! We create a lovely, relaxing atmosphere for classes and encourage couples to take time before or afterwards to grab a drink or some food and reflect on what they’re learnt. Treating it as an opportunity to connect with each other and your baby at this important time can help. By the end of the first session, we hope you’ll agree it’s not going to be a chore!

I’m a second-time mom – will I still learn stuff?

Absolutely! Anna actually only came to hypnobirthing with her second baby, and went from having a pretty good birth experience first time round, to a completely calm and empowering one second time. If you already have a child, it can be hard to make time to look after yourself and focus on your new baby. Hypnobirthing will give you the time and space to do just that.

I’m planning to have an elective c-section. Would hypnobirthing still be useful for me?

Definitely! Whilst a planned c-section may mean you know when you’ll meet your baby, there are other unknowns you’ll be dealing with. You’ll learn loads about how to take control of your birth environment, how to advocate for yourself, and some of the choices involved in your c-section and newborn care that can help you feel real ownership of your birth.

I’m pretty sure I’m going to get an epidural. Does that rule hypnobirthing out for me?

No! At This Mother Can, we really believe that hypnobirthing can be helpful for all women and all types of births. We’ll talk about all of your options, give you the knowledge and tools to make informed decisions, and support you with tools and techniques to increase comfort and allow you to feel in control of you birth – whatever choices you make.

 I’m planning to use a doula. Can I still use hypnobirthing?

Absolutely you can! We blooming LOVE doulas at This Mother Can, and are huge believers in their ability to help women and their partners feel comfortable, supported and heard during birth. Most doulas are very supportive of hypnobirthing, and we’re very happy to chat to them directly or share information about what we cover on our course to make sure we’re all on the same page. Get in touch if we can help in any way.

Does hypnobirthing guarantee a pain-free birth?

Sadly not – although some women do say that they give birth completely pain-free. The thing is, pain is subjective – what one person finds agonizing, another will perceive to be completely manageable. What we can guarantee is that you’ll finish the course with an understanding of what causes some women to feel pain during labor – and then having that knowledge you’ll also get a whole range of tools (including breathing exercises, distraction techniques, touch exercises that will build your natural pain-relievers) to help you mitigate that.

If my birth goes off-plan, will my hypnobirthing preparation go out of the window?

Definitely not! In fact, many parents who prepare using hypnobirthing speak of the confidence it gives them to handle any deviations that do arise. They are practiced at keeping calm, know how to ask questions that lead to informed decision-making, and as a result find it easier to feel in control of their birth experience, rather than something that happens to them. We can’t promise you a perfect birth (what even is that?!) but we can give you the confidence you need to have a positive one.

My partner isn’t sold on the idea of hypnobirthing, but I’m interested. What can I say to persuade them?

We get it – the link to ‘hypnosis’ and the preconceptions we carry about what that is can make hypnobirthing sound a bit creepy, or a hippy fad that’s too good to be true! Anna’s husband was very sceptical before he saw it in action too – now he’s a total convert! Try showing your partner the information in Our courses to illustrate how grounded in science the principles of hypnobirthing are, and while you’re there, you might like to show the linked video of a hypnobirth in action. They may be surprised at how calm it all seems, and that might be enough to convince them to give it a go. You are always welcome to get in touch to schedule a chat with Anna too, and we can talk about any specific reservations they may have.

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