Class types, pricing and dates


Our classes are delivered in three different formats so you can pick the style that best suits you.

In addition to the classes, participants joining each course type will receive:

  • a copy of the Calm Birth Method book.

  • access to four guided visualization tracks and one track of positive birth affirmations (MP3s for you to download) to support your preparation.

  • a bonus track of affirmations for new mothers.

  • an e-handbook packed full of helpful resources for you and your birth partner.

  • access to a private Facebook group where you can ask questions, share experiences and get local recommendations from other women who are expecting or who have previously taken one of our courses. It’s a brilliant community where you can find support, connection and friendship with other new and expectant parents.

  • Ongoing support from Anna and resources to help you through your pregnancy and in to the early postpartum period.


Group classes

Group classes take place over four consecutive weeks, and are currently all being conducted online via Zoom.

Classes run for 2.5 hours with a break for refreshments and chat in the middle.

We love group classes because they give you a great opportunity to meet other expectant parents (even virtually!), and foster a real sense of community and support that is SO important in pregnancy and parenthood. Many participants in group classes go on to become great friends, and once all the babies have arrived we organize a reunion for everyone to introduce their new additions and share experiences. We hope to resume these reunions in-person soon!

Group class courses via Zoom are priced at $250 (US) / £200 (UK) per couple and each course is limited to six couples.

*As of February 2021, Anna is currently taking a break from teaching to prepare for and welcome her own baby. Please get in touch if you’re currently expecting and interested in scheduling a course, and we can discuss timings and options.

Private classes

If you have other children or commitments that prevent you joining a group course, or if your due date is drawing close, you may like to consider a private course - currently being conducted online via Zoom.

Zoom enables us to share resources, annotate ideas on a virtual whiteboard, and record the whole session for you to re-watch and refer back to, should you choose. Multiple participants can be added to a meeting, so it could be a good solution if you are working with a doula or plan to have additional birth partners in attendance for part of your birth.

The format and scheduling is at your convenience - three classes of 3 hours or four classes of 2.5 hours both work well.

Private video conference courses are priced at $450 (US) / £350 (UK) if scheduled in the evening or at weekends, or a discounted rate of $400 (US) / £310 (UK) during the day on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays (from September 2020 onwards).

If you’ve already taken some childbirth education or your place of birth requires you to take some classes with them, but you’d like to add hypnobirthing to your birth toolkit, please get in touch to discuss a tailored offering and price.